Wednesday, March 3, 2010

First post

Welcome to my blog. I never thought I would actually do this, but circumstances have arisen to allow for this new experience. I sure seem to be having lots of new experiences in the past two years! Thank you to all of you who have kept up with me and Erwin throughout this time, through prayers and posts on the caring bridge site and every other way. As I've said many times, God has truly blessed us with wonderful family and friends.

God has been good to us in our grief. It has been hard to have Brandon gone and to have many new things to get used to, but he has kept us strong and provided for us in every way we have needed.

One super way he has provided for us is in making one of my long time dreams come true. I am going to be a published author! I have wanted to be a writer for a long time. Brandon encouraged me in my dream and even bought me a desk and set it up for me in our spare room at our old house specifically for my writing. He encouraged me in setting aside times for me to write and reading my works even though he didn't like fiction. He really wanted to be alive to see me published, but I know he knows it's happening now!

I have worked on my book, which is a historical fiction novel set in the American Civil War, for almost ten years and it is so exciting to get started on the next step. In January of this year, I received a phone call from a woman at Tate Publishing. She said she liked my style and my work. They offered me a contract on the spot! Production of my book (currently titled "Scarlet White", though the title could definitely change depending on what their editors think) is scheduled to begin in April. I will then work with grammatical editors and content editors, cover designers and layout designers, as well as marketers and others.

I am so incredibly excited for this opportunity. The part that scares me, though, is that I'll be required to do book signings! I wanted to become a writer because I feel I'm much better at communicating with people via the written word than with face to face conversation, given my immense shyness. Oh well, God has stretched me in many ways in the past, what's one more way, right?

I hope to post how everything goes throughout the process and share the excitement with all of you who have been wonderful and shared my grief. I figured this was a more appropriate way to share the bright times than through caring bridge, which has been an incredible tool for getting the word out during our dark hours.

I'll do my best! Thank you to all of you who have done so much for us in the past. I look forward to sharing in the future joy.


  1. Hi Jody,
    Congratulations! That is so exciting! I have often thought that writing would be a wonderful way to share too, I'm so happy for you! And yes, our God is so good! Keep on embrassing every change that comes your way!

  2. Jody I am so glad you decided to start a blog! It is good to hear things are slowly getting better and healing is happening for you and Erwin. I am happy to hear about the book as well! Congrats and keep us up to date on that. Anyways so good to see this!

    With His Love,

  3. I'm so glad you've started a blog - it's a wonderful way to keep in touch with a lot of people at once, and I'm so looking forward to the little peeks we'll get into your life with your sweet little boy. :) CONGRATULATIONS on being published! I will be first in line out here to buy my copy of your book when it comes out! Yeehaw!!

  4. Jody,
    Congratulations and YEA God!I look forward to hearing about the awesome adventure that God has planned for you! Enjoy the "ride"!
    Amy Berthold~

  5. Jody,
    I continue to pray for you and Erwin and the others often. I pray that God blesses you beyond measure with your writing. God is definitely good at stretching folks - for me it's the area of public speaking.. that's a huge huge fear! I pray that God's grace and smile will be overwhelming in a good way! Bless you.

  6. Congrats, Jody. That is so exciting. We are praying for you and this new opportunity God has opened up to you.

    Sierra Phillips

  7. Yippee! Tate Publishing - I think I've heard of them. Sweet! So glad you have a blog. You will love it. I have several. Wanna be a follower? Love, Cousin Kelly

  8. I am so proud of you!! You are an amazing author!! Way to go Jody!!
