Saturday, May 15, 2010

Next Phase

Hello! Well, I just started the next phase of production - conceptual editing. The editors are now looking over my manuscript and will make suggestions as to plot and character development. They'll send me some sugestions and I'll send back what I approve and make changes according to their suggestions. We'll go back and forth for a few weeks. This part of the process should take until the end of June. Then the manuscript will be sent to design.

I've also received an email from the publishers about multimedia options. I will choose from a short commercial about my book or a website. I'll also have the option of an audio book. The audio book is what I really want, but I would have to reduce my manuscript by 25%. So, I have a few things to think and pray about. But, things are moving right along!


  1. Yeay! It is so fun keeping up with how your publishing thing is progressing. It's all rocket science to me. It must be really exciting to see it coming together. An audio book - yes, sign me up!

  2. congrats ..hope to read it soon
