Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First Edits

Hello! I have received the first edits from the conceptual editors. The lady I'm working with has had some very encouraging words for me and I'm excited to work with her. She has thoroughly checked and researched my work and sent me some thoughts on changes. The changes she suggests all have to do with dialogue. Items such as "he said", "She asked," placing of these tag phrases and some rewording of other phrases. She also highlighted some phrases she especially liked (one of them being my favorite line of my favorite scene - I'm so glad she liked it, too! :-) ). I'm super excited because the changes are much fewer than I was thinking might be the case. This is just a confirmation to me of God's blessing on my work - that I'm doing what He's asked me to do.

The next step is for me to complete these edits, return them to my editor by June 15th, then sign off on final edits by June 30th. After this, the book will go to design - cover design as well as layout design.

I haven't heard anything from the producer of the commercial yet, so I'm not sure what that will look like, but will update more as I know. Thanks for your prayers with this exciting adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Wow - God has truly made it clear that this this the way for you to go! Doors have just continued to open - it is so exciting to see this all coming together. I can't wait to go out and get a copy. Do you have much say in what will be the cover design?
